Thank you for your interest in LGMC. Leadership Greater McHenry County (LGMC) is the area’s premier leadership program designed to help educate professionals to gain the knowledge and access they need to be inspired to actively participate as civic leaders throughout our county.

LGMC Invites Applicants Who

  • Are leaders (or emerging leaders) in their organization.
  • Are residents, or work in McHenry County.
  • Are ready to fully commit to a dynamic eleven-month program.

Each year, 32 McHenry County leaders from all sectors of the community are selected for our eleven-month program dedicated to educating and inspiring them to engage in community leadership. It takes a committed individual to want to learn more about the community in order to positively shape its future. For a leader to know it's a right fit, one needs to have a clear understanding of expectations.

Class Dates

Orientation Thursday, August 28, 2025
Retreat Friday & Saturday September 12 & 13, 2025
Leadership Day Thursday, September 25, 2025
Program Day 1 Thursday, October 9, 2025
Program Day 2 Thursday, November 13, 2025
Program Day 3 Thursday, December 11, 2025
Program Day 4 Thursday, January 8, 2026
Mid Year Retreat Thursday, January 22, 2026
Challenge Day 1 Thursday, February 12, 2026
Challenge Day 2 Thursday, March 12, 2026
Challenge Day 3 Thursday, April 9, 2026
Challenge Day 4 Thursday, May 14, 2026
Year End Retreat Thursday, June 4, 2026
Graduation Thursday, June 11, 2026


Program Attendance Commitment

For the Class of 2026, the LGMC Core program starts in August and culminates mid-June. Mandatory classes convene once a month preceded by an Orientation and two-day Retreat in September. (See class dates).

Employer Commitment

Because the LGMC program is a eleven-month commitment, organizations must agree to support their employees by allowing them the time to participate.

As part of the application process candidates and their employers are required to complete a Commitment Form to ensure clarity of expectations.

Selection Process and Criteria

The Class of 2026 will be selected through an interview process conducted by members of the Alumni Selection Committee. The maximum number of candidates selected is 32. All candidates will be scheduled for a 45 minute interview beginning in late April and into June. Participants will be selected based on their commitment to community and personal leadership aspirations. The selection committee will carefully consider diversity to assure the program and community are fairly represented. Applicants will be notified of acceptance in June and must confirm their acceptance by July 1, 2025.


Tuition for each participant for the Class of 2026 will be $3,995. If accepted into the program, tuition payment is due in full prior to August 1, 2025.

Tuition Assistance

LGMC will offer financial assistance through scholarships. While LGMC does not grant 100% scholarship, and as a participant you are expected to pay a portion of the tuition, We are sensitive to the challenges individuals and companies are facing, as a result scholarship support will be available. Scholarship applications must be completed in order to be eligible for scholarship consideration. Payment plans are available.

If you are requesting tuition assistance complete the Scholarship Form,and submit at time of application. All applications for assistance are confidential.

Are you ready to take the next step toward a life-changing year?

If your answer is YES, the next step is to complete the application. Proceed to Step 1.

The Application Deadline is May 1, 2025 (Application Fee $50)




Apply to the LGMC program as outlined below:

  • Complete and electronically submit the application at the bottom of this page
  • Mail the non-refundable $50 application fee payable to LGMC P.O. Box 442, Woodstock, IL 60098
  • If requesting tuition assistance, the Scholarship Form must be electronically submitted promptly after your application.


Once your application is received an interview will be scheduled. Prior to your interview submit the following:

  • Two reference letters; one professional and one personal
  • The LGMC Commitment Form